Friday, April 17, 2015

Commonwealth youths condemn South African attacks

Youths loot foreigners’ shops (left and top), and wreckages of vehicles in a Nigerian’s shop set ablaze in South Africa...
The Commonwealth Youth Council has condemned in strong terms the ongoing xenophobic attacks on Nigerians and other African immigrants in South Africa.

In a statement signed by the CYC Chairperson, Ahmed Adamu, the attacks were described as a breach of the commonwealth values.
According to the council, social cohesion is a guarantee for success and development and South Africans should not see immigrants as enemies of progress.

It said, “People coming to your country to work are to your advantage as they will add to your productive labour force and propel your economy. They will have to exchange their foreign currencies with yours, injecting your economy with hard currencies and creating demand for your currency.

“The visa fees and the flight fare they pay your domestic airlines, the purchases, rent and patronage within your economy add up to the positive economic indicators of your country and they will help you learn new skills and exchange ideas and partner for developments.”
According to the Commonwealth youths, there are two types of immigrants. They are professionals and low-skills immigrants.

The CYC explained that the professional category of immigrants comprises those who add value to the country’s economy and inject much of their resources into the economy.
“The second group provides cheap labour, making cost of production cheaper,” it added.
The CYC also maintained that it is an open world with equal opportunities and urged South African youths to be fit and not be lazy.

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