Tuesday, April 21, 2015

AMAZING: Amanda Holden to insure her nipples for £1million each? (NIPPLES?)

Amanda Holden is considering insuring her nipples for two million quid after seeing a massive public reaction to her girls at the Britain's Got Talent auditions. The TV presenter wore a fitted green dress to the Birmingham auditions back in February and, er, basically forgot her bra. Speaking to the Sun, Amanda, 44, said: "I decided if it was good enough for Kylie Minogue's bum or Mariah Carey's legs, it is definitely required for my nipples.

"I've got to make sure all my best assets are protected." One insurance expert – who, we imagine, had a complete field day with this particular piece of research – told the newspaper that her nips could be insured for up to £1 million each. "She obviously feels that her career would suffer if anything happened to them," they explained.

"Celebs have insured their bums, legs and even cleavage. I've heard of porn stars insuring their private bits." Hmm. Not the most flattering comparison there, bud. Amanda's booby ponderings come after Taylor Swift was rumoured to have insured her legs for $40 million – rumours she confirmed when she shared a picture of a deep scratch on one of them and said her cat now owed her $40 million.

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